
Leanne is enjoying her days as usual. I don't know if the word 'couch-potato' is still alive but she is just like it at home. But the story is different once she goes outside. She loves playing fetch, tug of war and enjoys rough playing with Janis. She also loves barking at stray cats but this is her worst habit. I really want Leanne to give up cats!

We go up to the roof of my office once in a while and enjoy playing and training.

Leanne is still a good mother.
She enjoys playing with Janis so much.
However, their play gets so rough sometimes.... I know they are having fun, but look her terrific face!
This photo was taken in March. Janis was 9 months old.
Leanne is now mature, nice lady. She in reality is so pretty and cute that I love to take her photos.